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    Frawley, David

    Ayurvedic Healing: A Comprehensive Guide - Ebook

    Ayurvedic Healing: A Comprehensive Guide - Ebook

    Title: Ayurvedic Healing: A Comprehensive Guide - Ebook
    by Frawley, David
    Ebook: 468 pp
    SKU: 984088 UPC/ISBN: 9781608690558
    Sold As Ebook
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    Ayurvedic Healing presents the Ayurvedic treatment of common diseases covering over eighty different ailments from the common cold to cancer. It provides a full range of treatment methods including diet herbs oils gems mantra and meditation. The book also shows the appropriate life-style practices and daily health considerations for your unique mind-body type both as an aid to disease treatment and for disease prevention. The present edition is an expanded version of the original 1989 edition covering additional diseases and adding new treatments.

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