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    Campbell, Susan Schuster

    Called To Heal: African Shamanic Healers - Ebook

    Called To Heal: African Shamanic Healers - Ebook

    Title: Called To Heal: African Shamanic Healers - Ebook
    by Campbell, Susan Schuster
    Ebook: 184 pp
    SKU: 984096 UPC/ISBN: 9781608690855
    Sold As Ebook
    Available from:
    Available From GooglePlay Available From Amazon 
    This book tells the story of some remarkable people from the African Healing tradition. It exposes many of us for the first time to ways of relating to our world that are holistic and shamanistic in nature adding real quality and value to our lives. It challenges us to integrate the contribution of African healing methods and these extraordinary healers into a new healthier vision of our future.
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