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    Krinsky, Santosh

    Readings in Sri Aurobindos The Ideal of Human Unity - Ebook

    Readings in Sri Aurobindos The Ideal of Human Unity - Ebook

    Title: Readings in Sri Aurobindos The Ideal of Human Unity - Ebook
    by Krinsky, Santosh
    Ebook: 584 pp
    SKU: 984311 UPC/ISBN: 9781608692323
    Sold As Ebook
    Available from:
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    If we observe closely we can see and identify a slow but steady growth of a new consciousness a consciousness that transcends the egoist bonds of self family tribe community city state nation empire religion race cultural background or language. This new consciousness sees a future for humanity that respects each individual each social or religious background each tradition and which understands the need for diversity and difference for the very health of humanity in the long run. This new consciousness works to bring about mutual benefit rather than egoistic fulfillment at the expense of others and takes care of the needs of planetary health as a basis for long-term human survival.
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