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    Petter, Frank Arjava

    Reiki The Legacy of Dr. Usui - Ebook

    Reiki The Legacy of Dr. Usui - Ebook

    Title: Reiki The Legacy of Dr. Usui - Ebook
    by Petter, Frank Arjava
    Ebook: 128 pp
    SKU: 984023 UPC/ISBN: 9780940676831
    Sold As Ebook
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    A great deal has been written and said to date about the history of Reiki and its founder. The author has come across documents that quote Mikao Usui's original words. In a number of essays he discusses topics related to Reiki and the viewpoints of an independent Reiki teacher. Questions that his students asked and he answered throw light upon Usui's very personal view of the teachings. Materials meant as the basis for his student's studies round off the entire work. A family tree of the Reiki successors is also included.
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